Submit good files.

The Goal is to use good camera skills to make good art that can be retouched seamlessly. CHECK YOUR HISTOGRAM and make sure you have a good exposure. A symbols directory of fixes can be seen at the symbols link. Who am I? Go to

Friday, October 1, 2010

Want to upload and critique? Join us.

Leave me your e-mail address for an invite to join this blog.


This is it.

 The original image is uploaded

I mark it up for retouching or corrections
Final image is displayed after photographer makes changes.
When we deliver good images they must be clean and high quality. That starts in the camera, processing, retouching, and ends with good filing. What we do here is see others work and learn how to improve our own.

To get good reviews, expose well, shoot with room to crop, crop tight in post production,  fix dust and specks, check your curves and histogram. Keep detail in shadows and highlights. USE A TRIPOD.
We will not waste our time on shots that have camera movement blurs.

We will talk about lighting and play around with assignments.

Get to know Photoshop well. Its what we use for everything and a common language.

If you have a photo for a customer that needs to be fixed, I or someone can do that, but this is not a free service for commercial retouching.

Lets get started.

Submit your file and get ready.

Another Example

Note the copyright in the lower left. Blogger strips all the meta data, so put in in the photo.

Dodging stroked highlights to add contrast and make it pop a little more. Added some green correction too.
Corrected shot